Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dear Soleil, I cannot wait to share this with you! My journey in trying to remember...all of this!

The first gift I received from Alex when we found out we were expecting was The Belly Book. Certainly, I would start here, document my entire pregnancy then move on to the baby book.  It's just expected that most women would want to keep track of all these precious moments especially during a time when thoughts seem to get lost in a restless mind and memories fade.  I know I was excited about the gift and the thought of tracking my pregnancy over the next nine months sounded cool.  And would you believe it, I SUCCEEDED!  I actually completed my entire pregnancy book, printed pictures and all! Now, here I am as a new, first time mama trying my hardest to document all these sweet moments of my baby girl.  Forget remembering all this; the memories of my birth are already quickly fading and I cannot even remember what I did yesterday!  For me this is important, not only would I like to look back on major milestones, but to also relive our first bonding moments. What a joy it will be to share with her when she is older!  I loved seeing my silly little baby pictures throughout the years as the time arose to fumble through old picture books with family.  So many ideas came to mind; journaling, traditional baby books, apps, keeping a tight organization of my photos by month (you laughed at that one didn't you?!?!?!) was overwhelming and exhausting just thinking about it all.  Someone even gifted me those monthly sticker props to take cute photos each birth day for the first 12 months....this is as far as I got before I spaced it!  Just like Sunny here, I was excited about it for a second then the thought just faded off into the baby brain abyss.

Documenting Sunny's adventures became most apparent to me one particular day I spent with my own mother during my pregnancy.  My parents divorced when I was very young, around the age of 4.  I always lived with my dad growing up and spent time visiting my mother at specified times.  My mother moved around a lot, traveled and changed jobs often I can remember.  I knew she was a sentimental person, so creative, artistic and loved her keepsakes. But she blew me away one day when she told me she had some things of mine to share with me from my childhood.  Next thing I knew she had pulled down two Tupperware bins full of my baby clothing, items from my first nursery and small keepsakes.  I even recognized some pieces from old photos! How in the world did she move all this from place to place for over 30 years!  We laughed and cried together going through everything piece by piece.  I will always remember and cherish that day with my sweet mama!  From this moment on I knew I wanted to do this with my daughter someday whether I save some baby items, artwork, photos, etc.  I just knew I wanted to share all of this with her one day.  So how was I to preserve all this?!?!

My sweet mama with my now incredible vintage baby of all they are my vintage pieces! 
How cute is this little Hawaiian shirt...Sunny will totally sport this soon!

A girlfriend of mine just had a baby girl as well.  We were only a month apart and she was feeling the same way, until a friend shared this video with her.  She encouraged me to do the same.  It would be by far the easiest, quickest, and most savvy way to surely capture all of the fun.  Take a look and if you are anything like me have a tissue handy!

It definitely is a kick ass video for Google Chrome that's for sure!  For us, this was genius.  Most of the photos we take are from our phones; we can quickly capture moments and send an email right away. So after seeing this video I started a Gmail account for my daughter (make sure to use all your information as the email address cannot technically belong to a child under 12, I believe). I took it a step further and shared the email with all our close friends and family so they can share their special moments together.  Alex and I do not check the email either, so it will be a sweet time for us when we decide to read years down the road.  Now instead of stressing, I look forward to each and every email I write to her.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I'm pregnant - Happy April Fool's Day!!!

It has just hit around a year since our daughter Sunny was conceived- a good ol' St. Patty's Day party babe! Actually, she is Irish, Chinese, and Jamaican- I am from the Sunshine State, Florida and my partner is from Mississauga, Canada.  This makes for quite the mix and a lot of fun and family all over the place.  We started out as a long distance dating relationship.  I absolutely loved my nice long weekends away to Jamaica; every trip was an adventure as Alex showed me a different side of beauty each visit.  I loved when he came to visit me in Orlando.  It was fun to explore, eat and enjoy all those luxuries not offered Jamaica.  In the between time we spent lots of time texting, emailing and is amazing! We always desired to live together and had different ideas and plans along the way.  We were mostly planning on him moving stateside to join me in Orlando, however, nothing was really yet set in stone. As of yet.......

As I was plagued with nervousness of missing a period I toyed with the idea of stopping for a pregnancy test for a few days.  I finally decided to stop of all days...April 1st, otherwise known as April Fools Day, the day of practical jokes.  I thought, perfect, when the test comes out negative it will be a funny joke to play and rather cliche, I know!  As I rushed home to anxiously await the negative result I was of course smacked in the face with those notorious two pink lines.  So I did what any woman would do in this situation is I rushed back to the store for another test after cussing myself for not purchasing the pack of 3 to start.  As you've guessed it, all other tests came out positive as well....we were going to have a baby.  And now to share this news....over FaceTime.  My funny little joke has turned into a major life changing event.  Thoughts started swirling through my head; my job, family, life, money, house and most of all we live in different COUNTRIES!!

As soon as FaceTime connected, the picture was clear, and eye contact was made, he knew!  I just stared at him with no words...after all we were just dating, abroad, both of us just ended long relationships, and no plans on moving was he going to react?!?! I saw that sweet smile in his eyes that he always has for me when he looks at me.  His lips formed into that huge, contagious smile I fall for every time and I just cried.  I cried for happiness and of pure joy.  Knowing from just our simple eye contact we were going to of course make this work.  And we were not only going to just make this work, we were embarking upon this crazy, fun filled, mad, unplanned and unpredictable exploration and we were going to do it 100% TOGETHER.  This very day set my life into a whirlwind of travel itineraries, suitcases, lots of love and a growing belly!

This is our first family photo of 3!  Alex was able to fly in 10 days after the big news to spend the weekend.  And from here the tribe grew......
P.S. I've got to come up with a more original April Fool's joke this year!