Saturday, December 28, 2013

Awareness + Consciousness = Strength

having knowledge
informed of current developments

aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, 
surroundings, etc.
fully aware of or sensitive to something
having the mental faculties fully active
known to oneself; felt
aware of what one is doing

Although it seems so simple and I hear these words used often it was capturing to actually read the definitions.  I find I would use these words interchangeably although in reading the actual meanings it reminded me how powerful each can be.  I believe everyone can benefit immensly by becoming more aware and conscious of their minds and bodies.  It is a direct reflection of our actions.  A lot of the time we do not realize the disconnection or lack of consciousness until something goes wrong; we become ill, out of shape, face an injury, feel emotionally unbalanced or face a tragedy.

It is so incredibly empowering to be in touch with your body at all times and especially during pregnancy.  There are so many changes happening all at once and over a lengthy period of time.  It is important to embrace these changes as well as your body.  To love your body and foster a beautiful space for your baby to grow and develop.  When you have the knowledge and connection to your body the confidence in your decisions for your body and baby will be enhanced.

Here is a quick laundry list to get you on the path of AWARENESS AND CONSCIOUSNESS...

1.  Check in with your body multiple times throughout the day.  As soon as you wake take some time to feel your body.  Place your hands on your body; start with your chest and work your way down. Take deep breaths into the areas where you place your hands on your body.  Take time to experience and visit the differences in each area.  Do some places feel restricted or tight?  While others have ease and flexibility?  Bring a sense of peacefulness and focus to your body and baby. Most importantly, invite your spouse to join the fun!

2.  Take notice of your body after meals.  It is even a good idea to take notes if you can. Type them quickly in an email to yourself or use a note taking app on your phone.  Remember, these meals are affecting your baby as well.

3.   Visit your local yoga studio schedule for a pre-natal class.  

4.  There is so much information to read,  watch and hear with only so many hours in the day.  You will never get to all those books so don't stress.  Pick a book a week or a focus a week so it doesn't become so incredibly overwhelming.

5.  Women are the masters of multi tasking!! :)  Take each movement, exercise, chore, or task as an opportunity to enhance your body awareness.  Next time you are vaccuuming the carpets or sweeping the floor take note of your body.  Are you hunched over with your lower back completely collapsed? While washing dishes are your shoulders so high they could touch your ears? Take a moment, a deep breath and reset your body and posture. To take it even further, squeeze in your butt the next time you bend over, stabilize your core as you lift something, heck maybe throw in a Kegel here and there! It's all about creating habits- healthy, conscious habits!

6.  Identify your stressors and eliminated them! LOL- well the best you can! ;) some easy ones to tackle are around the house. Try putting on relaxing music rather than just having the blare of the TV in the background, light a candle, keep the lights low, make your bedroom a sanctuary, take walks after dinner, make time for a bath. Find those things that can bring you peace, relaxation, and calmness. And do it regularly! 

Awareness and consciousness is about honing into your body, knowing your body and reading its cues.  When you create a more conscious mind and develop body awareness you will be stronger, you will develop a greater connection with your self, body and baby, and you will feel more confident in your skin! You are beautiful! Keep it real, keep it simple!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Having a doula at your birth- luxury or necessity?

I find it so interesting to see the wide array of reactions when the topic of doulas comes up in coversation.  For me this topic certainly comes up more often now as I am on the path of certification with DONA to become a Doula.  It's as the saying goes... once you bring awareness to something- it's everywhere!  Pregnanant woman, girlfirends, clients, mothers- they surround me.  I find as being new in my doula training role I walk the line of being an advocate and educator of my trade but also reserved to those opinions around me.  I try to find that common ground or detail that could open the door into sharing a glimpse into the doula role.  Ultimately, my goal is to provide all women with the opportunity to have knowledge of options and constant support throughout pregnancy, during labor and after birth. 

When I ask women to share their most memorable times of their life, having children and parenthood is always at the top of the list.  There are a lot of women who give up their jobs, careers, schooling, friends and dreams to stay at home and raise their children.  Women plan their lives to become mothers and to have families.  Typically, I do not hear alot of these memorable moments starting with the birth story of their child.  Of course, that grand finale regardless of how you got there is always that teary-eyed, flash memory you could never forget and love to share but why not make the entire pregnancy and birth journey part of those empowering momemts of your life.

To have a doula by your side simple means continuous support.  And to answer my question- continuous support is a necessity.  When I think of luxury, I think of Gucci handbags and Versace sunglasses!

Take a look at this quick link which will lay down the facts, stats and positive outcomes to having a doula at your birth.  Keep it real, keep it simple! :)